Choose to Landscape with Brick pavers or Imitation and Fake Lawn

We all need to take more care with the way we spend our money in these troubled times. Landscaping with brick pavers or imitation and fake lawn is one of those decisions we need to think about and weigh up the advantages and disadvantages of each.

Water restrictions mean we need to look for alternative ways to save our precious water. Therefore by using brick paving or  imitation and fake lawns.

Brick Pavers
Brick pavers look great and come in a variety of colors.  They can also be laid in many different patterns depending on your personal choice and the area to be paved.

Brick pavers also save tine and need to water, continual maintenance like mowing and edging. This will also reduce the water usage in your household.

Imitation and Fake Lawns

With the advent of new technology we can now have the appearance of lawn with little maintenance.  There are different types and a variance in color.

Imitation lawns also save on water.  Although you need to do your research on what type of imitation lawn to use.  You need to be cautious as some contain rubber tire crumbs.  It has been said that people may acquire a rash, or skin irritations.

Then you will know more of the facts for and against each product.  If you are still not sure ask your friends and neighbors what they found by landscaping with these products.


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